
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I don't know if you can guess from that picture, but tomorrow it's my birthday! This isn't going to be an awfully descriptive post; it really isn't going to be specific at all. But I just wanted to say that tomorrow at 11:13 AM, I will be 12! :) 

Waterpark :D

I haven't mentioned this because sadly I have not posted in a while, but I will be in Cape Cod for two weeks. We have been coming up with many new activities due to the new "need for outings" my brother and I now have. We are always wanting to get out of the house and the touristy brochures and magazines are constantly being stuffed in my pockets.

Earlier today, we visited a watermark a good hour away from our house on the Cape. We got in at 10:15, got tickets, and then went in for some fun! 

The first thing we did was get some tubes and go around the park in our tube as the water's waves pushed us gently forward. The force got more and more enhanced as the "ride" went on. We actually ended up going on that three times in our visit! 

Then, we went on the mini-slides on the water playground. I don't really mind that I felt like a three year old. It was fun! The water was about six inches deep and we were constantly being splashed. 

We decided to go on a more adventurous choice afterwards, so we headed to a black, closed slide and waited in a not-too-long line. I closed my eyes the whole time, but it was great! 

Then, we went in this little kids' area with small slides and things. There wasn't much to do but we played Hide-and-Seek (yeah, what the heck, I know)... 

We went on a different slide next. It was open and a sea blue color. We received tubes and were instructed to use them on the ride. I think that slide was my favorite part of the waterpark experience! I spun around and the slide seemed nice and long as well.

Lastly for the water activities, we checked out the wave pool. My brother had really been wanting to go in because for his camp that is where they went and the waterpark had a wave pool which he loved. It was just a normal pool but all of a sudden, jets going at a very fast pace would begin operating and we were pushed around. It was awesome, but awkward too because I kept crashing into random people. 

Before we left, I got a henna tattoo. I always wanted to get a henna tattoo so when there was a little henna station I ran right over. I got a tattoo that said "believe" in the Chinese symbols and really like it and think it's a great reminder telling me to believe in myself. I didn't go in the water after because I had to wait 15-20 minutes for the tattoo to dry and we were going to leave anyways. So we got changed and headed out, but overall, I think we had a great time at the waterpark! 

We got home at around 1:30 and then it started raining, so, perfect timing! Haha :P 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Storm!

Sorry I haven't been writing in a while, but my only excuse is laziness. I also forgot about my blog some, I guess, but the major reason of why I've been gone is my extreme summer laziness lately. I go to acting/dance/singing camp from 9-12:15, and afterwards, I kind of just sit around but I always am busy doing something else. 

ANYWAYS. I think we should actually get to the point of this post now. It is expected that a big storm will occur pretty soon. I'm becoming a storm watcher so I'm putting a video up on YouTube maybe... haha. 

First my cat started spazzing out running around the house and putting her ears back. Pets are a great way to kind of get a prediction of the upcoming weather. I think that cats and dogs should be the weathermen, honestly. 

It started storming with gray skies and thunder (but no rain or anything) and then moved on to what it is now, sun and blue skies. The storm was a bit early at first so I'm expecting more to happen. But we will have to see! 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cat Got Out

Earlier this afternoon, my cat, Lily, got out of my house. She's done this many times before but this time was definitely the most extreme escape she has ever made.

My friend Kate was leaving my house. When she opened up the door, Lily raced outside into a bush. We chased her around in the front yard until she advanced to the back, going into my neighbor's yard and grasses.

We really had to pick my brother up from camp, so we left hoping she wouldn't run away. Scared and hopeful, we raced to my brother's camp, grabbed him, and went home.

It took a few minutes to find Lily, but about 30 minutes later we finally were able to grab her! Lily spent about 2-3 hours outside. I think this experience, though, was somewhat good, because I was once again reminded how much I love my kitty! :)

DISCLAIMER- I am not a cat hoarder. I only have one cat and am not completely obsessed. But I have to say I consider her a very important member of my family!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I am not sure if I've mentioned this in my previous posts, but on Monday, I started an acting, singing, and dancing camp. We are performing the show Seussical. I can't tell you the name of the camp, because that would show where I live, but I started it last year, when we put on The Music Man and loved it.

I just was casted as a Who and am both happy and sad. I'm a bit sad because it's a tiny, line-less role and they gave me a callback which means I did a nice job, but I was kind of "fooled" because I ended up getting a not-so-big part. I'm happy, though, because I really like the camp and still have many singing and dancing parts.

:) Random Posts :)
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This is seriously my life saying. It's so true and I can't stress how true it is! Yep, I know this is already included on my Gallery page, but I felt you guys should really understand how much I love cheesecake. It is a memory of my birthday (because I have it every birthday for dessert after dinner time) and tastes so rich and sweet. Definitely my favorite dessert! (: 


I don't know why, but lately I've been having an obsession with candles! I just got an order from Candles by Victoria ( and have decided that they are my favorites by far! They are hand poured and handmade candles that smell amazing and make the room smell great.

I own Yankee Candles (which I prefer for the holidays) and Bath & Body Works Candles. I had never even heard of CBV until I noticed many videos up on YouTube about it. I checked out the website and decided to order a couple candles. The thing that annoys me is the shipping price. Even though I live in the US, shipping was $9! I definitely think that the candles were well-worth it. A Strawberry Lemonade scent shot that I hadn't even ordered (scent shots will be explained in a moment) came in with it, and I decided I enjoyed the scent. I think I'm going to get that in my next order, along with a Bakery scent and Lemon Vanilla (that's my favorite scent from Bath & Body Works).

Scent shots are small samples of candles without wicks. You can get a tart melter which makes it so the scent shot makes the room smell like it! Scent shots are only $2, but you can also buy a package of them for a better deal. They are a great way to test a scent out for a low price!

I only bought three candles from CBV. I was pleased with all of them and they smelled better than I expected. I first bought the 16 oz. country jar candle in Summer Sorbet. It smells like melon with a hint of cucumbers and pineapple to me. This scent is kind of iffy at first, but once burned, it smells great!

I also bought a Mini Jelly Jar candle in the scent Apple Cinnamon Butter. This scent smells a bit strong, but really goes across the room and makes it smell like perfect autumn! I bought this during the summertime, but still think it rocks for any season.

Lastly, I got a CBV Surprise Candle which is a mix of different scents. As the candle gets burned more, different scents are revealed. I thought it was so cool for just a small price!

I definitely hope you guys check out Candles by Victoria. The candles are great and well worth the money (they are inexpensive normally, the shipping just adds to the cost). I'd definitely recommend buying from them!